Yes, the Galaxy Tab from Samsung lived up to its pre-IFA show hype. Samsung calls Galaxy Tab, the company’s first “smart media device.”
Powered by Android 2.2, GALAXY Tab with its 7" display combines a tablet media environment (read e-books, browse the web, watch videos, listen to music) with communication (via e-mail, voice and video call, SMS/MMS or even social networks).
The Tab comes with Readers Hub (Samsung’s e-reading app that provides easy access to a digital library), Media Hub (films and videos), and Music Hub (an app for music tunes)
But the real news, if you can imagine the irony that follows, came during the press conference remarks of Boo-Keun Yoon, President, Visual Display Business, Samsung Electronics.
Yoon opened his IFA remarks highlighting Samsung’s success in 2010 – the first two business quarters yielded record operating profits from hardware sales – as well as category leadership in TV (3D TVs with projected sales of over 2 million units worldwide) and mobile.
So what was the shocking statement from this King of Hardware?
“Software is the connective tissue for creating a smarter life,” said Yoon. “It’s the intelligence that moves content from one device to another – binding our product suites into a collective whole – and empowering consumers to orchestrate their lifestyles as never before.”
That's right: it's all about software folks. And even the great hardware makers now bow to power of the multitude of humble apps that drive today's consumer sales. Go back and read above about the new Galaxy Tab which may have been better called "Hub Galaxy" and consider how Samsung was one of the first-movers on apps for Connected TV.
Michael Zoeller, European Marketing Director for Television and Audio Visual Products, explained to the IFA audience that Samsung’s 3D passion is a part of a larger emerging trend: Smart TV. Zoeller displayed Samsung’s premium Smart 3D TV, the C9000, and discussed the growth of Samsung Apps for TV since its launch in January.
Samsung announced the Samsung Smart TV Challenge at IFA and more than 500,000 Euros will be awarded to developers across Europe for the best apps designed for Samsung TVs. European Developer Days will be hosted in Germany, France, and the UK in October, and final winners will be announced in February 2011.
Go Samsung Smart TV Challenge
The advantage of being in the mobile business (the disadvantage being that you are up against Apple) is that you live in a cold hardware business world where you circle the center of the solar system and live off the warmth and glow of a mass of applications. Once you realize that, you look at the universe of consumer electronics in a different light.
From its mobile orbit, Samsung learns to appliy its software apps experience across a range of consumer devices: "Creating a Smarter Life"'s all about software.
Go Samsung at IFA... lots more new products, including world’s first LTE-HSPA+ dual mode embedded netbook