Customers can now access Google's Android app store from any internet browser, Whereas before they could only access it through Android mobile devices.
The new Android Market Web Store not only allows users to search out and purchase mobile apps through a browser, but also links them to their google account-- installing them automatically on their Android devices. The store also allows developers to offer app upgrades to premium, paid versions.
Analysts say this move potentially makes Android platform more attractive for developers. The platform was previously focused on free apps, resulting in its not getting the best quality apps. Developers can now also buy Google ads linking directly to an app's purchase page.
Some commentors also predict this is but a first step towards Google unifying access to all its apps in one place, especially since it follows the recent Chrome app store launch. Android's tablet-specific version, 3.0 (aka Honeycomb) is also coming out in the near future (first off in Motorola's Xoom tablet), and one can imagine Gogle wanting to really take on Apple and its iDevice ecosystem.