Smart Appliances for the Smart Grid


LG kicks off Thinq, its smart grid-ready appliance range, with appliances taking advantage of the latest technologies to save energy and improve convenience.

Smart FridgeLaunching first from this Thinq range is a "smart" refridgerator, with an integrated touchscreen and remote access capability, allowing customers to check what items it contains, their expiry dates and even suggests recipes using what's inside.

It carries a number of power saving options-- late night savings, preferable time saving and smart grid-ready, while internet connectivity provides automatic firmware updates.

Users can also access their refridgerator (and, well, check what's inside) from either their smartphone or tablet devices.

LG predicts a future where all appliances are networked and accessible through touchscreens, while smart grid algorithms minimise energy consumption.

The Thinq brand will encompass all sorts of other appliances, including ovens, washing machines, dryers and our favourite, robotic vacuum cleaners. The Thinq refridgerator is already available in South Korea, and will hopefully start shipping over here soon.

Go LG Officially Launches First in Range of Smart Grid-Ready Appliances

TV Falls in the US


TV ownership drops in the US for the first time in 20 years, according to Nielsen-- 96.7% of American households own TV sets, down from 98.9% recorded previously.

TV Nielsen says there are 2 reasons-- the economic situation and advancing technology.

The "persistently rocky economy" is a reason Nielsen also cited back in 1992, the last time the percentage of homes with TVs declined. Some low-income households cannot afford to replace their analog sets with digital TVs and receivers.

Such households would probably not have any internet access, either.

The other non-TV owning Americans are the internet video viewers, who go without TVs or paying for cable services. Nielsen says these make part of a subset of "younger, urban consumers".

Is this the start of a larger shift towards online viewing, or will it rectify once the economy improves? Not even Nielsen is sure, for now, even if its data shows consumersview more video content across all platforms.

Go Ownership of TV Sets Falls in US (NY Times)

TV Growth: Slow in Some, Strong in Others


DisplaySearch reports the WW TV market grows by nearly 18% Y-o-Y in 2010, reaching 248m units, even if it expects market growth to hit a sharp decline in 2011-- to less than 4% Y-o-Y.

Flat panel TVs grow by 32% in 2010 on a unit basis, but should decline to 12% in 2011.

DisplaySearch says TV growth slows down in terrritories such as W. Europe, whose flat panel TV installed base reaches over 50-60%. Meanwhile emerging markets are still ripe for sustained growth as they still continue replacing their CRT TVs.

TV Market

LCD TVs will account for 84% of all TV shipments in 2011, growing by 13% over 2010 to reach 217m units. 50% of LCD TV units shipped this year will carry LED backlights, alongside other performance-oriented features coming in sets of over 40" in size.

Plasma TVs see 30% Y-o-Y in 2010, up from 2009's 1.5%. DisplaySearch says such growth comes from value-conscious consumers, as wel as relatively slow ASP erosion.

Meanwhile 3D TV accounts for 10% of Q4 2010 WW TV revenues-- but should rise to over 50% of revenues and reach 100M units WW by 2014.

Emerging regions (including E. Europe, Middle East and Africa) will have the strongest flat panel TV growth over the next 4 years, which should average to around 17% Y-o-Y growth. In comparison, developed regions will see no growth over the same time period.

Go DisplaySearch Quarterly Advanced Global TV Shipment and Forecast Report

Triple Flash for Sim2's Latest


Lumis 3D-SSim2 says its Lumis 3D-S is the only consumer projector using triple flash technology alongside its active shutter 3D delivery system-- eliminating flicker and ghosting while providing smoother motion.

Triple flash is called so because it "flashes" each frame (per 24fps) 3 times, creating an overall framerate of 144fps.

The projector also carries 3-chip DLP technology, is optimised for both 2D and 3D content and comes in the attractive Lumis chassis (with vertical lens shift and an enchanced version of Live Colours Calibration software). 3 lens options are available, with a throw range of 1.37 - 3:9:1.

The package ships with XpanD glasses, and is compatible with other M-3DI cross-platform active-shutter glasses once models start hitting the market.

Go Sim2 Lumis 3D-S

Quo Vadis GPS?


With TomTom very much in the news for supplementing its income via selling road data so Dutch police could set better speed traps for motorists, we thought it is time to explore the direction of the GPS industry....

GarminLike the mythical Icarus, one day the Portable Navigation Device (PND) industry sprouted wings and took to flying high...My most vivid recollection is on stage at an industry panel I was moderating, listening to Greg Spierkel, the CEO of Ingram Micro, explain to the audience about this exciting category of product that grew 70% in year-to-year sales...


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