Vuzix announces its Star 1200 "see-thru augmented reality system" is available for preorder-- enchancing your customers' world view by making them see things that are not actually there-- just like something out of science fiction or some certain military-grade equipment.
It comes in a sunglass design and carries a HD camera (with dedicated USB connection), miniature 6-DOF (Degree of Freedom) head tracker and removable noise-isolating earphones. Reality enchancement comes through either 2D or stereoscopic 3D graphics.
A VGA control box connects with Windows PCs, while the Wrap PowerPak+ connects to iDevices to enable tracker support.
The company says the Accutilt display lenses allow for independent left and right eye focal adjustment, and the nose bridge system is also the most adjustable available.
The key hardware elements come in an independent display module-- allowing users to remove them from the provided frames in order to mount them on their frame of choice.