Connected CE Features at CONNECTIONS Europe


Park Associates announces the 6th CONNECTIONS Europe, taking place at the Mövenpick, Amsterdam on November 8-9 2011.

CONNECTIONSThe event will focus on the expansion of cloud, entertainment and value-added services, as well as service providers' changing roles as households adopt connected CE.

Park Associates says W. European spending on CE products for 2010 totals €850, with 30-40% of broadband-connected households owning at least one connected device.

Multiple countries also see strong future purchase intentions for connected CE-- TVs, tablets, smartphones-- with a steady rise in demand for video services on these platforms.

CONNECTIONS Europe will host the analyst's new consumer data, covering the UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain's changing technology landscape.

The event will feature panel sessions covering topics such as CE penetration within EU households, the evolution of TV (and the impact left by new mobile services such as smartphones and tablets) and the opportunities for control and home management technologies.

Go Park Associates to Present New EU Consumer Research at CONNECTIONS Europe

W. Europeans Want Their TV Everywhere


Nearly 30% of W. European households with broadband access show interest TV Everywhere services-- live TV on mobile phone, tablet or PC-- according to Park Associates' Connected Consumer in Europe survey.

Connected CE penetration in W. European nations currently stands at around 30 - 40%, with games consoles being the devices most commonly connected to the internet.

TV Everywhere Chart

Meanwhile 30% of blu-ray player owners use their media players to watch online video on their TVs.

Park Associates says multiscreen services are becoming increasingly popular across W. Europe, as customers demand more flexibility in viewing video content such as movies and TV.

Almost 50% of survey respondents also want DVR-recorded content access on internet-connected devices, while 37% want to receive online video on TV (particularly in France and the UK).

Go Demand for TV Everywhere Widespread in W. Europe

The iPad 2 With Solid Gold (Pre)History


We've seen plenty of blinged-out CE devices-- especially iDevices, for some reason-- yet we're sure Stuart Hughes' latest takes the "most luxurious" award, until something else manages to beat it.

Gold History iPad 2What makes the "Gold History Edition" iPad 2 unique is history-- or pre-history, rather. Its front frame consists of 75 million year-old Ammolite rock containing fragments from a 65 million year old T-Rex fossil thigh bone!

The device's rear is no less impressive-- with 2kg of 24 carat gold and an Apple logo formed out of 53 individually set diamonds.

Topping everything off is a home button consisting of a single cut diamond set within a platinum base containing 12 more diamonds.

There's 2 Gold History Edition iPads in existence-- each costing an affordable (ha!) £5000000. No mention of a similarly luxurious smart cover yet, though.

Go iPad 2 Gold History Edition

Will the Games Industry Support HMV?


HMVHMV asks the games industry to step up show its support, following its difficult start for 2011.

Speaking to MCV, HMV CEO Simon Fox says the games industry has to do what it can to support the retailer, just as the film and music industries did earlier this year.

HMV's losses for the 53-week period ending April 2011 total £121.7M.

Fox tells MCV the retailer is currently undergoing a "process of rebuilding confidence", in the hopes that the crucial Q4 2011 period will prove to be a successful one.

Go HMV: "Games Industry Needs to Support Us" (MCV)

Go HMV Full Year Results

Fnac and Lagardère Services Join Travel Retail Forces


French retailers Fnac and Lagardère Services announce a "strategic partnership" with a network of new small stores in France and Spain.

FnacThe stores-- measuring less than 350 m²-- will appear in train stations and airports around the 2 countries.

While Lagardère Services operate the stores (with its travel retail know-how) Fnac will provide branding, as well as its products and service offerings.

Fnac describes the move as a "venture into new horizons", seeing how travel retail is a new market for its current store formats.

Go Fnac and Lagardère Services Join Forces

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