Tobii Technology says "eyes are the best gauge of a person's level of attention to the road" as it launches a driver drowsiness and distraction detection platform based on eye tracking technology.
The system detects eyes of all shapes, sizes and colours-- even through glasses and sunglasses, without the need for calibration. The in-car safety system receives a "constant, uninterrupted" eye tracking data stream (regardless of environmental conditions such as sunlight and darkness) and decides on driver states accordingly.
The company estimates 25% of all fatal road accidents are caused by driver fatigue, while according to Eurostat road accidents cause 35000 fatalities on European streets annually.
The system has other potential uses-- from in-vehicle infotainment system control to individual driver recognition (with automatic personal driver setting activation). Who knows, maybe in a year or two we'll browse mp3 collections through blinking alone-- while being kept safe from drowsiness on the highways.
Watch The Tobii Driver Drowsiness and Distraction Platform in Action