EMEA remains the world's largest market for LCD Monitors in Q3'07, up 20% Q/Q. Samsung showed an even stronger growth rate in this region, with shipments up 37% Q/Q. LGE and Acer shipments into EMEA grew 21% and 20%, respectively, so the top three vendors for EMEA were primarily stand-alone monitor vendors clearlying showing the swing in demand from the "bundle" to stand-alone upgrade.
Dell was the only vendor in the top five that decreased shipments into EMEA, down 2% Q/Q.
"The catalyst for growth in the LCD Monitor market in recent quarters has not been the overall growth in the desktop PC market," says DisplaySearch. "Growth in the annual $42B desktop display industry has been fueled by a new display replacement cycle. End-users are upgrading their displays not from CRTs to LCDs as they might have begun doing in 2002, but from smaller LCDs to larger and wider LCDs."