IDC raises its 2011 WW tablet shipment forecast from 53.5M units to 62.5M, due to strong Q2 2011 performance and improving outlooks for H2 2011.
The increase in projections follows Q2 2011 totals-- 13.6M units, with 373.8% Y-o-Y growth (and 88.9% sequential growth), according to IDC.
Apple remains tablet market king, with iPad 2 shipments reaching 9.3M units and iOS tablets in general taking over 68.3% market share (up from 65.7% in Q1 2011).
Tablet market newcomer RIM has 4.9% of the Q2 2011 tablet market (with the Playbook) while Android tablet market share drops from 36% in Q1 2011 to 26.8%.
IDC expects Android market share to drop further in Q3 2011 (to 26%) before gaining a growth spurt in Q4 (increasing to 25.9%)
WebOS should have 4.7% of the market in Q3 2011, thanks to cheap Touchpad sales-- market share to drop down to zero by Q1 2012 unless HP either licenses or sells the abandoned OS.
EReaders grow by 167% Y-o-Y in Q2 2011 (but drop by -9% from Q1), with units totalling 5.4M. IDC predicts 2012 eReader totals will reach 27M-- up from previous projections of 16.2M.
Amazon leads the eReader market with 51.7% market share, witih Barnes and Noble following with 21.2%.